I know my blog isn't the biggest on the interweb, and I know I don't post as much as I'd like to, but I really hope whoever reads this will share it with at least 2 or 3 other people. Memorial Day is Monday, and as much as some folks would like to think, it's not National Cookout Day. It's there for us to remember why we get to enjoy all the freedom that we do as Americans. Regardless of how screwed up this country is trying to become, it's still the greatest place on earth and that's a damn fact. It's because people are willing to give up their life for the sorry scumbags who constantly detest the military, and for everyone else in the United States of America that We are so awesome. This weekend, when you're celebrating, put your political beliefs aside, and say a little prayer for the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Please look around on the link that I posted for just a few minutes. It's worth your time, and it should humble the shit out of anyone with half of a heart.