Friday, January 24, 2014

It's almost over

I know, I know... it's been a long time since I've written a post here. For any of you that actually enjoyed my dribble, I'm sorry for the hiatus. I really haven't done much since duck season kicked off and I assumed that folks would get tired of just seeing pictures of duck hunts, so I just left alone until now. It's been another great season for me and Lizzy Lou. I'd have to go back and do some counting, but I'm pretty sure that she picked up around 175 birds this year since September(doves and ducks). She really turned a corner this year and has become an exceptional bird finder, despite my lack of training skills.

Over 130 ducks were killed on hunts that I was on this past season(again, I'd have to go back and count to get exact numbers), and I killed a banded greenhead. I also somewhat introduced 2 folks to shooting decoying ducks and they seemed to enjoy it immensely. I had several days of limits, and a few of skunks. Weather was great, and weather was terrible. It was a typical duck season, and it was fantastic. I've got one more weekend to hunt, so I'm hoping that I can end the season on a high note with a couple more good shoots and a nicely plumed cinnamon teal...if not, I still won't have any complaints.

Here's a few pictures from the past season, and check back later. I'm actually going to start writing more now that duck season has wound down.




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